Free Redundancy Letter Template

Due to the demand for our services from employees within companies facing redundancy, we have decided to put together some resources to help you. We understand that just mentioning the word ‘redundancy’ can upset some people; therefore it can be a challenging
time for everyone. However, redundancy support can provide clarity, motivation and practical help. Many of our clients have managed to secure training and support for them and their teams as part of their redundancy package.

If you are an employer making redundancies within your organisation…

Please click here to see how we can help.

If you are an individual facing redundancy yourself… 

We provide the following FREE Resources to help you:

Free CV ReviewClick here for a FREE CV Assessment by a Professional CV Writer

Letter to Employer (Below)
– To further help employees facing redundancy we have compiled the following letter to help make it easier to approach your employers to ask for assistance with finding a new job. Simply cut and paste as required.

Name of Recipient 

Recipient Job Title

Company Name and Address


Dear XXXX,

I am aware of the possibility of some positions within this company may be made redundant. As I am concerned about the effect this will have on me financially, I would like to respectfully ask you to assist me to find future employment by providing me with some training in CV writing and Interview techniques. I have researched companies that can assist both of us during this challenging time.

I am currently unsure as to how to tackle the job application process and it would mean a great deal to me (and to my colleagues) to know that we will receive training in this area before we are made redundant.

I have identified a company which can assist by providing training in these areas. The company is called CV Master Careers and they can be contacted on 0845 003 9557. They have provided career assistance at every level, for every industry; for individuals and companies. I have identified that we would welcome help in the following areas:

Personal CV Writing / Coaching

CV Workshops

Personal Interview / Confidence Coaching

Mock Interviews

Interview Techniques Workshops

Help with Employment Application Forms

*Please delete as appropriate

I hope that you will take the time to look through the various options available. The services can be very cost effective and will be tailored to the needs of our organisation, as they can
create a totally bespoke package for us.

I am keen to gain future employment and would be grateful for your assistance in this matter. I welcome the chance to discuss this with you and can assist you in planning which training
would be most beneficial and the most effective way of using the training.

I thank you in advance for your consideration of this proposal.

Yours faithfully,

Your Name(s)